It's been a while since I got my macro lens out. A dark rainy day and nothing much to do was a perfect recipe for testing out bouncing on camera flash off a white umbrella (regular one, not photographic).
Feeling white down
Morning yoga on the Main
After some initial confusion, I found out that this group are from a physio school just a short distance away:
Homeless cockatiel
Heard this guy a few times while traveling to/from work. Some people have been feeding him to try to get close. Hope he gets a nice new home sooner or later!
9th July
Iron men don't have time for ladies
4th July
28 June
Does anybody like good music?
Soul music
6th June
How do I stop?
26th May
So hungry!
There's nothing worse than taking food photos on an empty stomach!
16th May
Ray of light
I never take photos on my phone normally but took one of this Cadillac for posterity only to get some extreme light rays from the low sun streaming through the wooden boards. I got my camera out to reproduce the effect on better hardware but try as I might I couldn't find the right spot again.
8th April
16th March
Where did all the time go?
18th Jan
Jan 15th
What's up?
7th Jan
6th Jan
4th Jan
3rd Jan
London back alley. Had to avoid stepping on hundreds of empty phials of helium or whatever the kids are doing these days...