Slack lining is one of those modern sporty pastimes I have seen being performed in parks a lot recently. It's curious and obviously must be good for exercise, balance and body conditioning but I have never understood how you actually do it. Let alone, what happens if you fall off when the elastic rope is just tight enough to rob your of any offspring should you land the wrong way. Chatting to Nico was enlightening and watching him bouncing up and down, turning around and maintaining his balance was really impressive for somebody who has only been doing it as a hobby. I can't say I would feel comfortable giving it a go yet but at least I have a greater appreciation of the skill. Maybe I can get my son to try it out...
Feeling white down
in daily
Morning yoga on the Main
in daily
After some initial confusion, I found out that this group are from a physio school just a short distance away:
6th June
in daily
100 Strangers
Day 238
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Day 225
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Day 224
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Day 169
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Day 142
in daily
Day 131
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Day 75
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Day 67
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Day 44
in daily
Day 42
in daily
Back to digital photos for a while until more negatives turn up in the post...