Between takes
There was loud music playing somewhere near my place this evening so went to have a look what was going on. A crew of Harley Davidson bikes, black Benz's and entourage of muscle men were making a music video. They had two camera men, a drone, a crowd of onlookers and some perplexed residents who were not able to get past the spectacle for 20 minutes or so. They must be pretty famous and important as the police came... Then went with a smile. Although they were against people taking photo or video I got this shot during a quiet moment. If only I knew who they were...
what are you looking at?
Where did all the time go?
Jan 15th
What's up?
7th Jan
Day 257
night time blues
100 Strangers
Day 247
in the light
100 Strangers
I had wanted to ask how a man in an England shirt survives in Germany as my 3 are tucked away in shame at the bottom of my cupboard. Oddly enough, Alex turned out to be German and can change into a shirt with much more stars on it any time he likes.
Day 236
an empty wallet, 2 alcoholic drinks and a transistor radio.
Iron Women
Film or digital?
Day 224
marital bliss
Day 217
still a lot of raking to do
Day 216
This old fella was blind in both eyes but there was no way I could creep up on him.
Day 215
there are loads of 24 hr launderettes in the middle of nowhere in Japan but I've never seen any being used.
Day 214
flying high over Tokyo
Day 213
The lantern maker
Day 211
river carp