There is a reason why Japanese shinkansen accidents are so low despite how fast they travel. The drivers follow tons of safety checks and procedures to the letter including handing over the train to the next driver at the final station.
100 Strangers
Amin and a profiterole tower
6th Jan
29th Dec
28th Dec
Boxing day
Bridgnorth Steam Railway
100 Strangers
Rock and Roll!
Even though I was carrying two rucksacks and a suitcase and my camera was stuffed in the bottom of one of them, there was no way I was going to let anybody this cool pass by without me asking if I could take a photo. As it turns out he was also really nice and had a beautiful family.
Day 202
not your average train
The Seven Stars Kyushu train pulled into the station as we were heading the other way. From the outside it looked only a little special with burgundy paying, gold lettering and stained glass windows, but it must be one of the most expensive ways to travel in the world! At almost 2 million yen (about 16 thousand euros) for a couple traveling only 4 days it's not surprising they don't need more than 30 people on a tour. However, given the reception the staff put on at the station and the type of travelers that have the train fully booked for ages in advance for one of the suite rooms, I was more than a little jealous when our regular local train showed up with standard bench seating.
Day 96
taking a photo of a selfie photo. Is that a new trend? (Canon 6D)
Day 55
fastest driver in the east (Canon 7 RF Fuji Natura 1600)
Day 12
can you name that shinkansen? They're too difficult to read as they go past.