Amin and a profiterole tower
dream lens
100 Strangers
Does anybody like good music?
Soul music
100 Strangers
8th April
Day 168
even the bokeh has bokeh to infinity!
Oh my...lens!
I have been researching about a particular retro lens for a few years now and thanks to the advent of modern mirror less DSLRs made by the likes of Sony, the demand for it (and the price) has been on the rise for the past few years.
the Canon 50mm 0.95 dream lens dividing opinions and relationships for the last 50 years
The Canon 50mm f0.95 lens is a one of a kind as the first mass produced lens to beat f1.0 from what I have read and Canon haven't tried to repeat since so it has the same heritage as ridiculously fuel-guzzling American muscle cars of the same era. It's a mighty chunk of glass that can suck light in better than most modern optics except maybe a leica or two but the thing that makes it loved and hated about as much as Marmite is its look in the photos it produces. It has a smooth bokeh that I personally find as entrancing as thickly spread Marmite on my toast for breakfast and part of its appeal for me is that it isn't a perfect lens. It hasn't benefited from digital construction or the latest computer tech to make it transmit light is cleanly as a modern optic but it does have soul and fortunately it isn't radioactive unlike some other lenses of its generation. Any imperfections make it what it is and whenever I see any images by this Canon dream lens, I can't help but want to make similar images too.
So when I saw this lens up for sale at a relatively cheap buy it now price on a net auction site I knew I had to risk it. I figured even if it was scratched or mouldy I could sell it on without a loss as I have seen even cracked copies of this lens go for a high price. (I owe a couple of people for helping me get this lens as it's been sitting in Japan waiting me to check it out for a few weeks and had to persuade my partner it would make it's money back and more when sold)... And the wait was totally worth it!
It's the cleanest lens I have ever seen second hand with not even a scratch and it's over 50 years old. The camera sold with it was labeled as just an extra but it's also as perfect and untouched a camera as could be expected. Now I just need to put some film through it to see if it works but I'm super cautious of touching either of them let alone taking them outside.
The lens is numbered 10007 which I'm sure appeals to Bond fans but according to my research means it's also the 7th lens ever made on the production line and the lowest number I could find (even the lens featured in the original catalogue is numbered higher). So now I'm stuck with a tough decision. I hoped this lens could be an investment that I wouldn't mind selling on after a few months use, but now I can't see myself parting with it at all as I will never find another like it again... BUT How am I going to explain that to the better half?