9th July
Iron men don't have time for ladies
100 Strangers
Polina and Paulina Polaroid
100 Strangers
I saw Alishia reading a book by the river and thought she would make a perfect photo subject. I was glad she said she would let me take her photo and also keep her glasses on. I was less glad that I can see my legs in the reflection but couldn't get out of the way!
100 Strangers
Leticia - trying to catch them all
Was out for a walk with my son when I noticed people aggregating near the town hall concentrating on their mobile phones. I was a bit wary at first as it wasn't clear what they were all up to. It turned out to be people playing Pokémon. I had a quick chat with Leticia, but my son was busy running around like mad full of ice cream energy so didn't get to understand everything about the game. However it's certainly weird to see so many adults all playing the same thing but not necessarily interacting with each other.
Day 239
models on the Zeil
100 Strangers
A perfect sunset! This photo is straight out of the camera with no effects. I was grateful Nina agreed to let me take her photo just at the right moment!
100 Strangers
100 Strangers
100 Strangers
100 Strangers
100 Strangers
Iron Women
100 Strangers
100 Strangers
Day 108
Day 96
taking a photo of a selfie photo. Is that a new trend? (Canon 6D)
Day 91
a private moment (Canon 6D)
Day 84
elegant selfie