Making a Mario statement
This suit is made by Oppo Suits and is certainly an attention grabber!
Making a Mario statement
This suit is made by Oppo Suits and is certainly an attention grabber!
I need a bit more practice with face paints but he seemed convinced.
where did all the time go? I've been a bulb waiting for spring. Also, I sold my Canon 1DS ii only to realise I missed it and ended up buying a mark iii. There really isn't anything like the feel of a big heavy camera! Here's to new birth of creativity for 2019!
Canon 6D with 85mm
selfie stick with smartphone
I've been meaning to do a comparison of DSLR Vs selfie stick photos for some time. It seems that selfie sticks became the norm for couples and travelers but can photos taken by them be as good as a DSLR? When I saw Christine taking a photo by the Main river in Frankfurt I thought it would be a good opportunity to find out.
A full frame camera and small tele lens is bound to have a bit better background separation and blurry bokeh even when stopped down on a bright sunny day. In both pictures the sky is blown as shooting towards the sun. In general the DSLR probably is sharper and looks better to my eyes but I wonder if I keep doing selfie comparisons, will any particular situation favour the selfie... To be continued!
A beautiful day for being out in the sunshine
work, rest and play
It's been so long since I posted any pictures. So I thought it was well overdue. I bought a back up camera and wanted to test it out and luckily meet Katy doing some yoga.
You know your son's childhood is over when you both get to see Mickey pull off his own head and then ram a mobile phone into the gaping wound.
Sometimes I struggle to find someone to take a photo of. One day I might feel less confident, other days I can't find the person who is close enough to the image I have in my head, and sometimes a person walks past and it takes a couple of seconds before I realised I actually did want to ask if I could take that person's photo, but by then the moment is gone...
Banking style
But when I see someone this sharply dressed, there's no hesitation! The only downside being after taking a photo of somebody this stylish, I look at what I'm wearing and cry inside.
Maria Anna
This morning I found the perfect spot in town where the sun rises between two tall buildings and is reflected in the windows of another. This creates a massive natural golden urban reflector at just the right height for only 5 minutes before the sun is too high. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone suitable for a photo before the light had gone. I was just about to head off feeling cold and disappointed when I noticed Maria Anna was walking just behind me so even though I had lost the perfect moment, I decided to ask if I could take her photo. Well, at least, I tried to ask but she didn't understand what I was saying as she only spoke Russian. After some poor attempts at communication, she graciously let me take her photo. It was only then I realised walking round in the cold without gloves didn't help with keeping a camera steady. Luckily, after taking a couple of photos I asked if I could take one more, and this one (above) wasn't a blurry mess! I guess the moral of the story is never give up and don't dwell on missed opportunities... But always wrap up warm.
Pentax 67 on Fuji 400H
Fukumoto san of Dep bloc's, Fukuoka.
I took this photo in January while in Fukuoka staying at an apartment style hotel next to a hair salon. I walked past one day and was interested in the owner's style and asked if I could take a photo. I used a Pentax 67 with 105mm f2.4 lens which I really love. After waiting forever for the negative to arrive, I'm glad that this image has the medium format film look I was after. There's something about this picture that makes me think of a modern cowboy stylist that's quick on the draw with his trusty side snippers.
On one side of the world, Brazilians parade in the heat to samba beats and tropical drinks, on the other side Germans march in freezing temperatures drink pils and throw boiled sweets into the crowds of onlookers. I'm not sure why we can't have German carnival in summer instead.
I wouldn't ever want to turn my blog into a family photo album but for my son Josh in traditional wear in Japan for his 七五三 (7, 5, 3 celebration) celebrating his third year I will make an exception!
There is a reason why Japanese shinkansen accidents are so low despite how fast they travel. The drivers follow tons of safety checks and procedures to the letter including handing over the train to the next driver at the final station.
Fires are set by local communities and families who work on the rice fields in the hope of a good harvest for the coming year. They stack up large bamboo bonfires for a few days before lighting them and roasting sweet potato, rice mochi and drinking hot drinks or beer in the cold winter air to keep warm.
The perfect cup (Aeropress method)
Found the best place for coffee in Kagoshima for early mornings. Hay coffee stand is open at 7 and it's an inspiration to see the coffee begging made with every aspect of the brew weighed and times to perfection!!
Bare foot in January but unflinching.
Thanks to Daniel and his videographer for the video from our September shoot showing me missing all the cool stuff while setting up equipment and lying on the floor a lot. :-D
Was lucky to go to an indoor Christmas market this weekend and get a quick family portrait done which is really cool and unique by V.D. Blokk.
The artist at work!