I saw Alishia reading a book by the river and thought she would make a perfect photo subject. I was glad she said she would let me take her photo and also keep her glasses on. I was less glad that I can see my legs in the reflection but couldn't get out of the way!
100 Strangers
I had wanted to ask how a man in an England shirt survives in Germany as my 3 are tucked away in shame at the bottom of my cupboard. Oddly enough, Alex turned out to be German and can change into a shirt with much more stars on it any time he likes.
Day 244 (5 photos)
in daily
100 Strangers
A perfect sunset! This photo is straight out of the camera with no effects. I was grateful Nina agreed to let me take her photo just at the right moment!
Day 238
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Day 235
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Day 178
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Day 131
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Day 94
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Day 67
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Day 49
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Day 46
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Day 33
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Day 29
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