Day 169
Day 168
Day 166
Day 165
Day 162
found at a Munich flea market - a 1975 plastic Japanese musical instrument made to resemble a much bigger wooden one. It is actually tunable and can play a tune in the right hands. It even comes with some tunes to get you started. Now it sits on my desk in case I feel the need for a bit of traditional theme at work.
Day 161
Day 160
Day 159
Day 158
one of the most beautifully decorated building's interiors I've ever seen.
Day 157
Day 156
Day 155
Day 154
I have to say a light meter is something that most photographers think they don't need and maybe they don't given the technology found in modern cameras. However, what most don't realise is there is a massive difference between reflected light which your camera sees and the incident light which is the light falling on your subject. For some basic daylit scenes my camera was over a stop out compared to my meter. This is because a camera is easily tricked by light or dark subjects. When using flash, even in this modern digital age, a good flash meter is indispensable.