Day 42
Back to digital photos for a while until more negatives turn up in the post...
Day 41
Day 40
Day 39
Day 38
Day 37
I took this photo through a wire fence. It took so long to get the right position so the lens wasn't obscures and the flowers were in shot. I didn't realise I was being bitten by a load of mosquitoes while I was doing it.
Day 36
Would've preferred this image to be perfectly straight and symmetrical but was still getting used to using the Mamiyas and they are not as light and portable as modern dslrs. If only I had taken a tripod...
Day 35
Unfortunately I had to boost the exposure on my tablet as I hadn't read the Canon 7 manual properly and got the settings all wrong. Hope to have learnt how to use this set up correctly soon.
Day 34
I had never eaten loquat (called biwa in Japanese) before but they are really good and a bit like persimmon rather than citrus which I had expected.
Day 33
Day 32
Was disappointed that this image is ever so slightly blurred but it's not so noticeable at internet sizes. He didn't like being photographed much and the lens meant I had to get up close to get a photo. I was lucky he didn't run off until after the shot but would've been better if I had more time to think about the right settings or had a better lens for the job.
Day 31
This photo represents my first month of daily photos and has gone really quickly. At the start I tried taking a photo each day and uploading it but this proved a little tricky as I didn't know if I would always have internet access so I scheduled most of them with photos taken a few days before. Unfortunately, the blog app I am using doesn't automatically post to social networks so the Facebook shares have been slightly haphazard. I hope Squarespace can short this out soon. The next few uploads I will do will be from film scans I took recently. Onto another month of photos!