
Day 256

super moon?

super moon?

I say this every time but once or twice a year the media likes to talk about the super moon coming around. There's always some reason for its importance that means the BBC weather girl will tell you to go out and see it on a particular night due to its increased size. Sadly, super is more mediocre of a size difference than the media are willing to admit. This photo was taken with a 400mm lens and had to be severely cropped and sharpened to make out the moon clearly. If you use a mobile phone to get a moon snap, expect more of a fuzzy dot than this! However, seeing the moon early morning is an amazing sight when it changes colour and worth the effort to see even if you can't get a good photo of it. My personal tip is to use a mobile app called TPE "the photographer's ephemeris" to predict exactly when and where the moon will be at any time or date. http://photoephemeris.com (available on Google or iOS)

Moon photo uncropped -even with a big lens, it still looks small!

Moon photo uncropped -even with a big lens, it still looks small!